SJV Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum has been creatively designed by ourselves to ensure that we meet our curriculum intent statement which is aligned to our ethos and Catholic Values and responds to the communities we represent.

Our curriculum offer ensures that:

  • All children’s needs will be met to ensure delivery of a mastery curriculum.
  • Aspiration is at the forefront so children understand the purpose of their learning in terms of their career pathways.
  • A progressive and sequenced design that allows children to retain and build on their knowledge and skills

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Philosophy 4 Children (P4C)

At St John Vianney we believe everything we do is for the greater glory of God and through Jesus we seek to grow as a caring Catholic community in faith and love; knowledge and understanding; aspiration and independence. We develop life-long learners who are confident and resilient in order to succeed in life. Our curriculum is ambitious and inclusive for all pupils based around the requirements of the National Curriculum and EYFS framework and is made meaningful to our children by contextualising the local area.  It is coherently planned and sequenced to develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding which are the building blocks for later life. As such, our curriculum is underpinned with reading because, through fostering a love of reading, we are providing our children with the tools to be independent, inquisitive and curious learners. Throughout our curriculum, we provide opportunities for our children to be immersed in high quality texts that are carefully selected to both engage and promote reading for pleasure and vocabulary acquisition as well as enhancing their cultural capital. Our classrooms are rich in talk, with effective questioning to constructive peer discussions. Oracy is fundamental in our curriculum as it allows teachers to develop and encourage critical thinking and, through a metacognitive approach, allows the learner to take control of their own learning. We believe that ‘words, written or spoken are the building blocks of life’ and as such our curriculum is personalised to meet the needs of our children. We strive to develop independent and aspirational learners who understand their mutual role in the teaching and learning process. As in the parable of the ‘Mustard Seed’, at St John Vianney, we want every one of our children to grow and develop from the very beginning of their education.

Our Whole School Curriculum Overviews

Nursery Subject Overview
Reception Subject Overview
Year 1 Subject Overview
Year 2 Subject Overview
Year 3 Subject Overview
Year 4 Subject Overview
Year 5 Subject Overview
Year 6 Subject Overview

If you want more information regarding the curriculum at our school, please contact school via the contact details at the bottom of this page.